Thursday, May 14, 2009

You got GrooveUtil.dll load error on LR9.5?

When I record scripts using LR9.5 on my laptop which install the office2007 there: error happens:

here is my temp solution:

Find GrooveUtil.dll under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12, and rename this GrooveUtil.dll into other name :)

click to view big picture

My friend Alfred found out another solution for this issue, just disable the Groove GFS help on IE Add-ons:

Add page size funcion code into your LR scripts

As my ramp up project, I spent some time to complete a sample on how to get page size after applying small piece of code

Choosing Ajax(click and scripts) protocol;
pre-condition: set your log level as "send message only when an error occurs"
Within globe()
set one flag to trigger the page size func code on demand:
int flag=0;

Within vuser_init()Action, you can initial such parameter as:
lr_save_int(0, "accu_google_frontpage_PageSize");

Within Action() i take google landing page as a example:

int ThisTimeHttpResponseSize=0;
char *message;
int i=0;
int loops=2;


while(i小于loops){//if there is some loops here

message=(char *)malloc(140*sizeof(char));

memset(message, 0, sizeof(char));



if (flag==1) {//enable pagesize func, if flag==1;


//web_get_int_property Returns the accumulated size, including header and body,

ThisTimeHttpResponseSize = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE);

strcat(message, "PageSize_of_google_frontpage_");
strcat(message, lr_eval_string("{Iteration}"));
strcat(message, " = %d");
lr_message(message, ThisTimeHttpResponseSize);

lr_set_debug_message(LR_MSG_CLASS_JIT_LOG_ON_ERROR, LR_SWITCH_ON);

//multiple iteration accumulated
lr_save_int(atoi(lr_eval_string("{accu_google_frontpage_PageSize}"))+ThisTimeHttpResponseSize, "accu_google_frontpage_PageSize");




within end() action, calculate the average number of each page size:

if (flag==1) {

lr_save_int(atoi(lr_eval_string("{Iteration}")), "Iterations");
lr_message("Avg_google_frontpage_PageSize = %d", atoi(lr_eval_string("{accu_google_frontpage_PageSize}"))/(atoi(lr_eval_string("{loops_goo}"))*atoi(lr_eval_string("{Iterations}"))));
lr_set_debug_message(LR_MSG_CLASS_JIT_LOG_ON_ERROR, LR_SWITCH_ON);


So you will get each page size freely now!

Thanks my friend Jeff,Alfred and Calvin previous sample code and ideas!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tester,not only for counting bugs

What is one Tester's Mission?

--Counting bugs?
Are the company pay for bugs we have found?
Are the company recongize one's performance by how many bugs you already find?

If yes, two options:
1> you can go to dev, say "hi, dude, please bury some bugs and let me find them". Of course if that person who may not want to continue his career in this company or he really a "brother" to you.
2> or you may find a "right" partner who will often make mistakes, then you will be a million easily.

--Help dev to make less mistakes?
I agree!Even if i can not easily find a bug now, i am glad to see our application so stable and trustable...
I am happy to work with even he may write a bugless code, you can help him continuously improvement, meanwhile you can just dig deeper treasure which may need more effort or deeper understanding on application functionalities and infrastructure. More important, this, of course, makes customer happy(they may hardly find out bugs as well).You make the company win!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Not Only Keeping walking, But Keeping Thinking



Not Only Keeping walking, But Keeping Thinking to be an expert(If you really want it)!

Note: pictures from

Monday, May 04, 2009

Run, Rockets, Run

Rockets Win the first Game, I made a right Guess :)

Twitter proves!!

Click picture bellowing to look at the details: