Monday, November 07, 2016

Make a Performance budgeting chart for measuring page performance

You should have a performance goal before you measure your page performance, i would suggest you had better have a performance budget for each component, then fight against the one who has overdrawn.
Using navigation timing API , User Timing API and Resource Timing API to do the measurement, in both synthetic and RUM way!!

Besides measure Duration of each Component as a Main KPI, The Content Downloaded Size, # of Requests for each Component need to be considered meanwhile. 

Another point of view to explain the key page performance metrics, please remember every page design differently, you can not set up a rule to fit all, considering from end user perspective is always a great start:

Friday, May 20, 2016

Get Page performance result by Combining User and Resource timing API

 //calculate page loading time by resource timing API  
 var perfEntries = performance.getEntries();  
 var end_probe = perfEntries.filter(function(item) {  
   //page load finish request indicator  
   if ('/req_url_end') > -1) {  
     return true;  
 if(end_probe.length > 0) {  
   var end_time = end_probe[0].responseEnd;  
   var start_probe = perfEntries.filter(function(item) {  
     //page load start indicator  
     if ('/req_url_start') > -1) {  
       return true;  
   var start_time = start_probe[0].startTime;  
   var duration = end_time - start_time;  
 } else {  
   console.log("page loading end indicator is not found, please double check all perf Entries");  
There is a better way to combine User Timing API and Resource Timing API to get accurate page performance, i am using Nightmare APIs as a sample to do the automated page tests, which can help our continuous page performance test process on daily basis:

 var url = "";  
 var page_complete_idy = 'key_request_name'; //page indicator by resource name  
 var tag = 'ReviewPage';  
 var env_name = 'prod'; 

 const RENDER_TIME_MS = 2000;  

var Nightmare = require('nightmare'),
  nightmare = Nightmare({show: true, switches: {
    'ignore-certificate-errors': true

    var perfEntries = window.performance.getEntries();
    if (perfEntries.length > 20) {
      return perfEntries.some( function (item) {
        if ( {
          return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  }, page_complete_idy)
    var perfEntries = window.performance.getEntries();
    var perf_obj = perfEntries.find(function (item) {
    if (perf_obj) {
      return perf_obj.responseEnd.toFixed(1);
    } else {
      return 'undefined'
  }, page_complete_idy)
  .then( function (duration) {
    console.log(tag + ":" + duration);