Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Deal with Javascript alert( ) and confrim( ) in WebDriver, as workaround

I posted one blog about Deal with "JS div DialogPane in WebDriver":

Currently I met more dialog on different kind of page to deal with

<1> Javascript alert(msg)::
Most of time, I meet this situation when there is a validation on Front end. If you have to deal with this situation, one way to disable alert, before you click on a button which trigger the alert(), so that alert will not be triggered, while the validation always be there:

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
js.executeScript("window.alert = function(msg){};");;

<2> Javascript confrim(msg):
Here I will post an example how to simulate pressing "OK" button to deal with confirmation dialog.
First, find out the JavaScript which is sending a confirmation message by sniffer tool:

confirmed = confirm("Warning! This account is currently in use. Would you like to continue to login?");
if (confirmed)
this.document.forms[0].submitAction.value = "TERMINATE";
this.document.forms[0].submitAction.value = "ABORT";

function doSubmit(url, submitAction){

document.forms[0].action = url;
document.forms[0].target = "_self";
document.forms[0].submitAction.value = submitAction;

Then, you may need to execute such bellowing javascript to simulate pressing "OK" button:

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

instead of simple click() which will trigger the confirmation dialog:;

<3> The easiest Walkround:
I like the post on the Watir Wiki, which introduce "the Simplest way to stop JavaScript Pop Ups", the idea can be borrowed from that:
Hope this helpful!

WebDriver-Beta1 will have an implementation of the Alerts and Prompts API for the FirefoxDriver :)

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