Thursday, January 08, 2009

Four Laws for page response time

Alberto Savoia 在7年前写了这篇文章,但现在看来还是那么经典,把复杂的问题简化,而不是简单化。问题分析的很清晰: 1> Four Laws for page response time: The Law of stickiness: 用户会有依赖心理,但这并不代表忠诚。如果有一天他忍受不了或者有更易用的系统,他会离开 The Law of User perspective: 所有在内部测试的结果都不能完全代表用户的体验,只有用户真实的体验才是最正确的答案 The Law of Responsibility: 用户总是正确的,所有的缓慢都是根源于开发者没有预见到各种各样的问题所造成 The Law of Expectation: 每个用户都有自己的评判标准,快慢尺度,他们更多的感受来源于对相似产品的对比,所以跟竞争对手的产品进行对比是测试的重要一部分,至少不能比别人慢
2> Inside of web page response time - Page size: do not overlook all components on the web page, usually it includes HTML source, JS,imgs,Css etc. One way to find them out is to use some tools, I use Yslow to catch all components and calculate the Page size. - Minimum Bandwidth between server and Client: 短板原则, 往往此值经常取客户端的网络传输速度, 56K modem, usually takes 4Kbytes/second network speed on average. - Round Trips time: from a request sent to the first bytes of data returned, Round trip time can be considered to use "ping" command line - Turns: it takes several cycles to send the entire content of a page due to browser deign and Http 1.1 Turns= 4 + 3*NumberObjects/4 + 3*JSObjects, 4 means base page total turns, one round of DNS lookups, three turns to download the base page 3*NumberObjects means it takes 3 turns to download each object, and divided by 4 means browser can download 4 objects concurrently for JavaScript download, it will block any other objects to download, so it is occupied the dedicate turns - Processing time: Server side: Static page< Dynamic page< complex transactions; load sensitive; Jmeter or other load test tool Client side: based on number of objects, page parser, CSS draw and js execution. type of browser and client side machine may effect as well; not load sensitive; stopwatch or watir-Jmeter(single user run) - Browser Cache matters: if open browser cache, then it will not need to download objects besides base page(HTML doc) Web page response time: Question: So how can we make response time shorter? Steve souders answered many on front-end part tuning tips.

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