Thursday, January 08, 2009

Performance testing/tuning metrics update version

long time ago.... i wrote a initial draft for the key performance metrics i always considered during performance testing and tuning:

I want to emphasize and thinning them this time:
Performance testing metrics:
1. Test duration and Time period
2. User load, User distribution on all test scenarios(diagram better)
3. Server response time (top5 + Detail 90% line)
4. Response time highlight for Top 5 transactions and trend(diagram)
5. Error Rate=errors/total number of requests(or particular action's failed rate)
6. Throughput(KB/sec, hits/sec)
7. All servers OS resource monitoring
- CPU% in average and its trend: total CPU%, User CPU%, system CPU%
- Memory% committed in use
- Disk I/O (DB server, App server and file server)
8. Raw data for all response data(attachment)
9. Server error logs---Apache/Jboss error log, if any, Dev should investigate and solve them first(either application, configuration or test scripts issue)!

Performance tuning measurement supplementary
1. SQL profiler log and trend(average,Max, where duration> 500ms order by duration desc)
2. Thread Dump
3. GC trend, or even heap dump
4. Profiling logs--methods level time consuming
5. Apache Access logs
6. JMS table(including DLQs), ActiveMQ monitoring when there are some asynchronous processes on the back-end
7. User accounts or some data sensitive parameters should be provided into consideration and correlated with the response time
- different accounts has different volume of data
- different key words search may grab different volume of data
8. other kind of perf testing result attached, for example change configuration testing or single step isolation testing result

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